


Posted by エハン at 17:11Travel In UK




Posted by エハン at 10:36Travel In UK


My home?

最近は鮮明に古郷の夢を見た. さしぶりにその姿を見ようと思って写真を探した。



Posted by エハン at 11:20Travel In UK


Goodbye England and thank you

Saint Mawesでとても平和的な半日をすごした。場所は以下の地図で示される:


Posted by エハン at 07:23Travel In UK


Avebury Stone Circle

Avebury stone circle has many giant stones like this

Anne and Echan at Chalice Well in Glastonbury

This well is very ancient indeed. The water has been the same
temperature for more than 2000 years! Christ visited here when he was a boy.
The chalice means a cup, maybe the Holy Grail? Here is an amazing photo of
the water source at the Lion's Head.

It is very peaceful in this garden. Above it you can see the Tor.

This is a National Trust image of Glastonbury Tor.
We climbed up here. Archangel Michael is represented by this tower, or Tor.
I chanted the Mayan Sun prayer K'In and the sun came out. It usually does.
It was a beautiful sunset at about 9 p.m!

Tomorrow we shall leave England after visiting London.  

Posted by エハン at 03:25Travel In UK



With my video cameraman and my sister Anne at Stonehenge

Many people visit here but they do not feel anything. They are too
busy listening to explanations on the tourist phones as they walk!
I lay down on the ground to feel the energy of this ancient place.
Stonehenge really is a mystery. We do not know exactly when, who by
or why it was made.  

Posted by エハン at 03:05Travel In UK


Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey

This abbey was very active in the 12th century and was the biggest
of its kind. King Arthur's grave is here. Then a very bad king destroyed
many churches and abbeys because of a woman. He was Henry 8th and
so one egomaniac put an end to so much culture and philosophy because
he wanted to marry Ann Bolyn.

We stayed here and talked to a woman who was an archaeologist. She was
very interesting because she knew details of life in the 12th century.
This place has a very good energy. It was wonderful to be back in the abbey.
I have traveled here many times.  

Posted by エハン at 02:53Travel In UK


News from Glastonbury

With Graham Hancock in Bath Yesterday

Today I am in Glastonbury. I travelled to Stonehenge this morning
and I lay down on the sacred Earth there. Now I am close to Glastonbury
Abbey where the Kolbrin was discovered hundreds of years ago.

Also this Abbey is famous for having the grave of King Arthur. Some people
believe that Christ visited here with Joseph of Arimathea. It is a very special
town but they do not have broadband internet!

We came to this library and secretly uploaded the photograph you are seeing.
It was like being a spy in a foreign land.

Tomorrow we will film an interview inside Glastonbury Abbey and we will climb
the Tor.  

Posted by エハン at 00:32Travel In UK


Walking in Bath

Bath Abbey

For two days I stayed in Bath. I interviewed Graham Hancock.
We walked around his town together yesterdaya after the interview.
It is a very old and beautiful town. The energy is good.
We walked and we talked.

We talked about ancient civilizations and about the lost ark
and about shamans. We discovered that our ancient teachers
live inside us, in our DNA.

Tomorrow I will show you photos of our time together.
It is raining in England today.
The food is quite good. The highways are all free!
Gasolene is very expensive-about 230 yen per liter!

Walking in Bath was very relaxing. Thank you Graham Hancock.  

Posted by エハン at 01:55Travel In UK


News from England

This is Echan-in English today!
I arrived in the UK yesterday. It was a long trip.
Today I am in Weybridge. The photo above is a famous garden
called Wisley Gardens. It is Spring here. The flowers are all
blooming. Cherry trees are big here.

English computers do not have Kanji!
My computer does not work here.
So I will send you English messages for a few days.

Please send me your message in English too if you want.
Tomorrow I will visit Graham Hancock.
Today I visited my mother. She is 85.
The birds here in the morning are so beautiful.  

Posted by エハン at 01:22Travel In UK